To answer to the different market demands, Itech has designed a range of presses for coupling and pressing glass.
Options include semi-automatic presses with roll pressing and fully automated presses with panel system. The latter can be equipped with gas injection, configurable according to needs.
These machines can be supplied individually or integrated into a production line. The VEGA and TAURO series offer high-end solutions and more economical options respectively, always maintaining a high quality standard.
Da più di 30 anni ci impegniamo ad offrire prodotti tecnologicamente avanzati, affidabili, al giusto prezzo e che soddisfino sempre le esigenze del cliente.
Sede legale:
Via Bellinghiera, 24 – 35019 Onara di Tombolo (PD)
Sede operativa:
Via Martiri delle Foibe 3 – 35019 Onara di Tombolo (PD)
Copyright © 2023 Itech Srl – C.F. e P.IVA 03587980289 – R.E.A. di PD 321966 – C.S. Euro 25.500,00 i.v.