Itech has designed and developed various models of presses for glass lamination and pressing to meet the diverse market demands.
Our presses can be semi-automatic with roller pressing or fully automated with panel pressing. The panel press can be supplied with or without a gas injection system, depending on preferences.
Our machines can be offered individually or integrated into a complete line. We have the VEGA Series for clients seeking top-of-the-line solutions, and the TAURO Series for those looking for an economical and flexible option.
Da più di 30 anni ci impegniamo ad offrire prodotti tecnologicamente avanzati, affidabili, al giusto prezzo e che soddisfino sempre le esigenze del cliente.
Sede legale:
Via Bellinghiera, 24 – 35019 Onara di Tombolo (PD)
Sede operativa:
Via Martiri delle Foibe 3 – 35019 Onara di Tombolo (PD)
Copyright © 2023 Itech Srl – C.F. e P.IVA 03587980289 – R.E.A. di PD 321966 – C.S. Euro 25.500,00 i.v.